
Practical Information: Vichy

There is a free camping with showers and toilets at the "Stade Wagy" Rue raymond Rondeleu in Cusset, opening from Sunday to Tuesday !
Sunday, November 2nd

- 14h30 : Gathering at "Quatre Chemins" in Vichy

- 16h30 : Debate at "Espace Chambon" in Cusset : « Are there still any rights for migrants ? » with Edgar KIGANGA (lawyer), Alain TURRI (doctor) and Jo BRIANT (sociologist).

- 18h-20h : Drinks-songs-music with Michel SARDON and « Les Gaperons rouges »

- 21h-22h : Films and debates : « Mehdi at the motel», « RESF, a network of resistance »
Monday, November 3rd

- 17h : Gathering and press conference in front of the "Lycée de Presles" 24 Boulevard du 8 Mai 1945 in Cusset (with NGO's and political parties representatives)

anarchists are invited to meet at the "Lycée Albert Londres" Avenue de la Libération 500m away West from "Lycée de Presles" to prepare the anarchist block for the demonstration !

Pic: Police

- 18h : Demonstration in Vichy

- 20h : Meeting at "Espace Chambon" in Cusset and Concerts

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th : Autonomous Decentralized Blockades in Vichy and around...

Action Map : http://maps.google.fr/maps/ms?hl=fr&gl=fr&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110226964150924380510.000459b11963e95327256&ll=46.131077,3.439236&spn=0.041637,0.072956&z=13&source=embed

Infos :

For logistical information (where to sleep, how to go,...) contact :

Radicals : vichy2008@riseup.net

The Green Party : daniel.rondepierre@cegetel.net or 0033.470.963.810


The European ministers asked for the whole town to be declared as red Zone but at the end only the "Palais des Congrès - Opéra", where the meeting will take place with the 27 European ministers of immigration, is declared as Red Zone !

The delegations will count 1350 people and will all assist on the Monday evening to an opera in the "Palais des Congrès"

This is not related to the summit but it can be useful to know that the mayor of Vichy installed 18 360° cameras a year and a half ago and the screens are located in the main police station.

Also, it's good to know that if the French police is much less using Snatch squads than German, they rarely try to break blocks inside demos or human chains during actions but they use a lot Tear-Gas to disperse crowds after the demo or during actions, it is really important to re-group after each attack from the police !! The usual tactic is to act and then to join back the crowd, police won't follow. If there is no crowd : act, disperse when police attacks and then join again immediatly before they can go back to their position, with that you can manage to break their lines by having them to move in all directions.

Monday, November 3rd

- 14h30 : Opening of the congress (Salon Berlioz - Palais des Congrès). Speech of M. Brice HORTEFEUX, minister of immigration, integration, national identity and solidarity development.

Speech of Mme Fadela AMARA, state secretary in charge of the policy of the towns.

- 14h50 : Speech of M. Jacques BARROT, vice-president of European commission . Presentation of the rapport from the Commission on integration.

- 15h10 : Speech of M. Gérard DEPREZ, president of the commission for civil liberties, justice and internal affairs of the European Parliament.

- 15h20 : Speech of the president of the regions committee for integration by employment and housing and the role of the local collectivity.

- 15h30 : Speech of the president of the economic and social committee for the project of a European integration forum.

- 15h40 : Debates about the speeches.

- 16h30 : presentation by Germany of the report on the inter cultural dialogue. Debates.

- 17h00 : Photography of the Ministers.
Tuesday 4th November 2008

- 9h00 : Arrival.

- 9h30 :Speech of M. Brice HORTEFEUX.

- 9h40 : Theme n° 1 - learning the language and knowledge of the cultural values of the welcoming : Presentation by M. Patrick STEFANINI, general secretary of the French ministry of Immigration. Presentation from 2 other European ministers. Debates.

- 10h20 : Theme n° 2 - accessing employment and promoting diversity, conditions for success : Presentation by M. DE BROUWER, president of the European commission on Immigration and frontiers. Presentation from 2 other European ministers. Debates.

- 11h00 : Presentation by M. Brice HORTEFEUX of the project of declaration from the conference. Debates with the heads of the delegations.

- 12h30 : press conference by M. Brice HORTEFEUX.