
Welcome to the Global Anti Repression Wiki!

Here we will try to create an extensive overview of police and state repression in different countries. As a start we have a basic list of questions you can answer for the country you know about and help getting the information out.

We ask people to write an overview of the attacks to political spaces, erosion of freedoms, and repression, that have happened in their countries over the past decades. We are therefore looking for analyses of legal changes and strategies of repression of grassroots activism in your city or country. We would like to know how has repression and social control increased in your country over the past five to ten years? In which ways does your government try to suppress the discontents (e.g. harsher accusations, easier convictions, higher sentences, more state violence at demonstrations and public spaces to intimidate, high claims for damage, use of surveillance, etc.)?

If you want to join, please contact antirep [at] riseup.net. Use encryption if you can. Here is our PGP key
