
Freedom of movement in Europe constrained because of NATO summit. Activists stuck in Bulgaria

This morning two Germans were deported at the Serbian border while on their way back home. The woman and the man were travelling in a coach to Berlin. When they reached the Serbian border they had to get out and were stuck and interrogated at least two hours. After denial of transit through Serbia they had to go back to Sofia.

As reason for the deportation the border police named a few patches, containing antifascist slogans, which the travellers were carrying with them. But in their passports a notation was made that the entry to Serbia was denied because of fascistic propaganda. The German embassy in Sofia is already attended to the case.

Bild: Logo

Three days ago the German activists were not allowed to enter Romanian territory and later expelled since they were suspected to be activists against the NATO summit from 2nd to 4th of April. Right now there is no other possibility for them to get back to Germany by car except passing the Kosovo.

To what extend those two happenings are connected to the incident at the Romanian Border in Calafat and if there was an arrangement between Romania and Serbia is not clear yet. “Democratic basics such as freedom of speech and freedom of movement are annulated several times within a few days.” stated one of the activists.

Articles in the international press in the past days

NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, March 25, Kritik an der NATO unerwünscht, http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/126081.html
JUNGE WELT, March 25, Repression vor NATO-Gipfel, http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-25/044.php
REUTERS Rumänien, March 21: Deutschen Anti-Nato-Demonstranten Einreise verweigert, http://de.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idDEKOE23711820080322
THE LOCAL, March 22,Romania expels six Germans ahead of NATO summit, http://www.thelocal.de/10841/20080322/
THEAEATHTIMES, UK, March 21, 2008 Six anti-NATO activists stopped on Romanian border, http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/193893,six-anti-nato-activists-stopped-on-romanian-border.html
JAVNO, Croatia, March 21, 2008 Romania Turns Suspected Anti-NATO Protesters Away, http://www.javno.com/en/world/clanak.php?id=133956
DE.INDYMEDIA.ORG, March 21, Law breaking as a European standard, http://de.indymedia.org/2008/03/211069.shtml
BERLINER UMSCHAU, 20. März 2008: Anarchisten planen Proteste beim Nato-Gipfel in Bukarest, http://www.berlinerumschau.com/index.php?&cccpage=20032008ArtikelPolitikRIA1
RIA NOVOSTI, Russia, March 19, Anarchisten planen Proteste beim Nato-Gipfel in Bukarest, http://de.rian.ru/society/20080319/101731685.html

Activist Website with actual information / AktivistInnen Website mit aktuellen Informationen http://contra-doxa.com
