
A Practical Security Handbook for Activists and Campaigns (v 2.5)

This guide is dedicated to all those who have died for freedom. Many have been honoured; many, many more have no one to recall their sacrifice. It does not take much to be a hero, just to stand up in the face of injustice, when the odds are overwhelming, and stand firm for what you believe in. Let them not have died in vain.

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance”
Wendell Phillips or Thomas Jefferson

Disclaimer: everything in this handbook is for information purposes only. Please do not use it to do anything illegal, but protect your right to protest and change the world for a better place. We cannot take responsibility for your actions, though we say that you should be as active as possible.

See www.activistsecurity.org for more info.

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1 Introduction

1.1 Why security is important

1.2 What is security?

1.3 Setting up the ‘security process’

2 Security For Campaigns

2.1 Basic campaign security

a. Media strategy

Your address

c. Answering emails, letters & phone calls

d. Websites

e. Keep files encrypted

f. Need to know

g. Office security

2.2 Advanced campaign security

a. Burning rubbish

Paper trails

c. Sources

d. Backups

e. Tampering

f. Autonomous structuring

g. Communications

2.3 Meetings (Basics)

2.4 Meetings (High Security)

2.5 Secure information transfer

2.6 Gossiping

2.7 Being monitored

3 Dealing with infiltrators & grasses

3.1 New People

3.2 Do you have an infiltrator?

3.3 Initial action & gathering evidence

3.4 Exposing the infiltrator

3.5 Dealing with the fallout

3.6 Gatherings

3.7 Grasses after arrest

3.8 Other infiltration methods

3.9 Private Investigators & Police

4 Security For Actions

4.1 Choosing people

4.2 Scouting out the area

4.3 Planning

4.4 Communications

4.5 Acquiring equipment

4.6 Clothing & other traceables

4.7 Disposing of equipment/clothes

4.8 Communiqués & photos

4.9 Mobile phones

4.10 Phone boxes

4.11 CCTV

4.12 Travelling

4.13 Being Chased

4.14 Evidence gathering tools

4.15 Debriefing

4.16 Shitting in your backyard

4.17 Conclusion

5 Security for Demonstrations

5.1 General Rules

5.2 Evidence Gatherers & FIT

5.3 Cameras

5.4 Travelling to demonstrations

5.5 Debriefing

5.6 First Aid

5.7 Dealing with Provocateurs

6 Personal Security

6.1 Dealing with the police

6.2 At Home

6.2.1 Control the information in your house Preparing for a raid

6.2.2 Phones, computers & emails

6.2.3 Mail

6.2.4 Being aware of intruders

6.2.5 Being bugged

6.3 Your area and neighbours

6.4 Your car

6.5 Self-defence

7 Surveillance

7.1 Preparation for surveillance detection

7.2 Vehicles

7.3 On foot

7.4 Rural surveillance

7.5 Counter-surveillance

7.6 Blatant surveillance

8 Computer Security & Internet Privacy

8.1 Security

8.2 Internet Privacy

9 UK Legal Issues

9.1 Regulation of Internet Powers Act

10 Talking to others about security

11 Future shocks

12 Closed Culture vs. Open Culture

13 Writing Letters

14 Mobile Phones

15 Conclusion

16 Final note, contact details & Disclaimer