
Convergences For Climate Action Summer 2008

This is just to let you know that a global process of camps (and convergences) for climate action is going on.
Some individuals involved in all the different climate camps and convergences are now joining efforts to coordinate their activities, try to hold them close in time and are also considering calling for a global day of action, hoping to inspire more initiatives around the world.

Contact the global coordination list for climate camps 2008: camp-convergence@lists.riseup.net

Bild: Plakat

Convergences For Climate Action Summer 2008

With extreme weather, droughts, species extinctions, and melting ice caps becoming more of a reality each day, it is time for us to come together to take direct action against climate change.

This summer Rising Tide North America in collaboration with other organizations will host a number of regional Convergences for Climate Action to create a space of collective empowerment to resist the fossil fuel empire and fight for climate justice.
Convergence 2008

The international movement to confront climate chaos is heating up! Following to the success of this past summer’s Convergences for Climate Action in the south east, west coast as well as the Camp for Climate Action in the United Kingdom we are excited to announce that there are plans to organize more convergences next summer.

Planning is in the works for the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany and Australia and here in North America we’re planning convergences on the west coast, in the south east and the north east.

Do you want to help with organizing one of these convergences or plan one in your own region? Please email us at contact@risingtidenorthamerica.org or call (202) 657-6772 for moreinformation.
What is a convergence for climate action anyways?

An opportunity to bring different people and organizations together for a week to talk about tangible ways we can confront the root causes of climate change while at the same time envisioning and creating thriving healthy communities that do not rely on the burning of fossil fuels.

There will be dozens of workshops, trainings and teach-ins on a plethora of topics as well as coordinated days of action.

Check out the web page!

http://climatecamp.org.uk, http://risingtide.org.uk, http://risingtidenorthamerica.org
