Left-Wing and Anarchist Terrorism
In 2006, left-wing and anarchist terrorists carried
out 55 attacks in the EU. Their campaigns mainly
targeted Greece, Italy, Spain and Germany.
Left-wing and anarchist terrorists carried out a
relatively high number of low-intensity attacks
which resulted in limited material damage
against business and governmental targets. A
minority of the attacks, however, were intended
to kill or injure.
A variety of left-wing and anarchist terrorist
groups are active mostly in Germany,Greece, Italy
and Spain. In Greece, the number of terrorist
attacks rose rapidly towards the end of 2006.
Left-wing and anarchist terrorist attacks are
motivated by domestic politics but they are also
perpetrated as a part of wider international
campaigns; for instance, the G8 Summit 2007
that still has to be held has already been the
target of left-wing and anarchist terrorists.