
The statement of the environmental protest camp in Angarsk, Siberia

On 21st of July dawn at 5 am our sleeping camp was brutally attacked.
Some scumbags suddenly tumbled down our tents, burned down and stole
our things, beat us sleeping in our tents with bats, hammers, cudgels,
legs. The same time they were spitefully swearing at Antifa. The
terrible and considered cruelty of their attack makes not doubt that
it was not a work of some ordinary hooligans, but a thought over
action of nazis. It is necessary to note a long (more than half an
hour) absence of the police at a place of the crime, and the
subsequent attempts of the police to deny an existence of nazi
groupings in Angarsk, and pressing requests of the representatives of
the police and the Office of Public Prosecutor to participants of the
camp not to make a scandal and to avoid any communication with

But we can not be silent because an indignation and a
desire of a retribution overflows us. Last night we have lost our
comrade: Ilya Borodaenko, an anarchist, a member of the Autonomous
Action from Nakhodka has died because of a craniocerebral trauma
(incompatible with life) and violent beating. That night he and 2
other participants of the camp were on duty and Ilya was the first who
faced nazi scum. Some our comrades were sent to the hospital in grave
condition (with concussions of the brain and fractures of arms and
legs). Our tents are cut and fired, flags are stolen.

However we will forget nothing and we won’t forgive Ilya Borodaenko’s
death to his murderers (irrespective of successes or failures of the
official repressive system investigating the crime). We won’t stop
activity of our environmental protest camp, we won’t stop our struggle
against fascist plague and nuclear mafia, against authoritative ideas
and racist dregs, against all that destroys both the nature and human
life and dignity. Today we grieve. Tomorrow we will continue our
July, 21 2007

Photo after the attack: http://imc-siberia.org/node/39