
Camp for Climate Action, 14-21 August 2007

Near Heathrow Airport

Join together with thousands of people from across the country and
take part in low-impact living, debates, practical workshops and mass
direct action to tackle the root causes of climate change.

This year, the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents outside
Heathrow, to highlight the lunacy of the government’s airport
expansion plans, confront aviation companies profiteering from the
climate crisis, and raise awareness of the need to fly less. The camp
will also support local residents in their long-term struggle against
the building of a third runway and the destruction of their communities.

What’s on?

LEARNING: Find out everything you ever wanted to know about climate
science, politics, symptoms and solutions, along with campaign
updates and practical skills to start taking action. There will be
dozens of workshops covering all kinds of topics, and loads of fun
activities for kids.

DIRECT ACTION: The camp will be a base for direct action against the
aviation industry and other corporate carbon emitters, culminating in
a 24 hour mass action from 19 – 20 August.

SUSTAINABLE LIVING: The camp will be a demonstration of practical
alternatives in action – it will run on renewable energy, food will
be locally sourced, and waste will be minimized, recycled and
composted. And since the camp is built on the principle of Do-It-
Yourself, everyone is invited to get involved in decision-making, and
get stuck in to the practicalities of running a working eco-village.
Cooking, camping and decision making will happen in regional
neighbourhoods, small communities of about 200 people within the
wider camp.

The time to act is now.

We are probably the last generation that can do anything about
limiting climate change. If we wait for governments and corporations
to act and watch them fail, it means vast inequalities between rich
and poor, millions of deaths, and desperate shortages of the
essentials of life for billions. Those before us didn’t know the
problem, those who come after us won’t be able to do anything about it.

We still have time, but not for long. Join us this summer, and be
part of a defining moment in the fight against climate change.

See you there!

PS. Want to get involved and help out now?
See www.climatecamp.org.uk to find out more about the camp, and for
details of how to get in touch with your nearest local group to meet
up with people in your area who will be going to the camp.
Come to the next national organising meeting, July 28-29 in London
(details on the website).
Promote the camp in your local area, invite someone from the camp to
come and talk to your group, or do some direct action training. Email
networking@climatecamp.org.uk for more info and for posters and