
Federal Republic of Germany: Denial of Entry

Federal Republic of Germany
Federal police inpection

Denial of Entry

On 04.06.2007 at 21:30.
X Issued by border control in accordance with art. 23 of Schengen Border Code in
Before the signer Conen, PHK [rank: Hauptkommissar]

Name: X
born: X
Sex: male
Nationality: Dutch
Living in: X
Identification document: Dutch passport, Nr.: X
Coming from: the Netherlands

is herewith informed of this finding against him:

According to §14, paragraph 1 federal police law associated with § 6, paragraph 1 sentence 1 and § 6 paragraph 2 mobility law (EU), in view of an actual and sufficiently serious threat against the fundamental interests of German society, this Denial of Entry is hereby issued.

[justification see page 2]

[Page 2:]

Mister X attempted to travel into Germany on 4-6-07. According to him, his aim was to take part in the gathering in Rostock (Germany) to take part in the demonstrations against globalisation in conjunction with the G8 summit in Heilgendamm.

According to information obtained from the Dutch police, Mister X is politically associated with the left wing. According to this information, there is a possibility that Mr. X would take part in non-peaceful demonstrations.

At the time of this check he was peaceful and was not drunk. Furthermore he was not in possession of any weapons or dangerous items. On the other hand, we note that it is normal for violence-prone people planning riots to act calmly on their way to their destinations. Furthermore, we must give weight to the fact that at significantly important political events such as the G8, the risk of escalation greatly rises. Riots are usually spontaneous, occurring at the location of the event. Journeys to theses events are usually made alone or in small groups.

Considering all of these circumstances, a significant danger that Mr. X will behave violently must be taken into account. The internal and external interests of Germany concerning the G8 summit would be endangered. This denial of entry rests on the legal claim stated on the previous page, according to the judgment of the issuing administration.

Lesser measures would not have been sufficient in this situation, and a Denial of Entry order is an appropriate measure during the time of the G8 summit.

[Bottom of page 1:]
A protest against this Denial of Entry may be filed at Federal Police Office Kleve, written or verbally to be transcribed, within one month.

According to § 80, paragraph 2, Nr. 2 VwGO (Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung: rules applying to the administrative court). A petition against this Denial of Entry may be filed, to the administrative court in Düsseldorf, in order to be granted interim legal protection according to the rules of the administrative court.

Mister X received a copy of this document and was advised regarding existing legal remedies.

Person concerned: refused signature
Executing this order: Conen (rank: PHK)
Responsible for the correcness of translation: Pohlmann (rank: PHK)