

Food Not Bombs is a form of protest against militarism and nuclear
energy, poverty and homelessness. Hundreds of FNB groups in the world
give out food for free to the people in need. It is a direct action
against the capitalist system of greed and profit. FNB groups share
food on the street, at protests and during actions and thus help to
reclaim everyday life by building autonomous anti-authoritarian
structures of self-sustainability in our communities.

FNB groups from Ukraine and Russia call for an International Food Not
Bombs Gathering.
It will take place in Ukraine, not far from city Uzhgorod, from the
11th till the 20th of August 2007. This event will happen together
with the International No Border Camp against the system of
deportation and the policy of ‘Fortress Europe’ and ‘Global Apartheid’.

We hope to bring together FNB divisions from all over the world. Today
Eastern Europe experiences an explosion of Food Not Bombs activities.
In Russia alone there are about 50 groups that regularly carry out
actions. There dozens of groups in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Poland,
Czech Republic, etc.

There will be different kinds of workshops, seminars, discussions and
trainings: from exchanges of recipes to discussions on political
aspects of Food Nor Bombs. How can protest be more visibly expressed
at actions (banners, leaflets, music etc.) How to deal with the
growing situation of repression (examples of the USA, Belarus, Russia,
Philippines etc.) How to combine FNB with other forms of protest? Also
activists from different countries will exchange their experience of
dealing with cops and other trouble-makers, communication with
passers-by etc, creating a community with people whom they feed and so

As for the practical side of the Gathering, besides meeting each other
and share our experience as FNB groups all over the world (we already
know that some FNB activists for instance from the USA and Australia
plan to come) we will take care of the food providing for the No
Border camp. Also we will probably do some actions in the surrounding
area. We will discuss and plan all the details when we meet.
Please take into account that Ukraine has cancelled the visa regime
for the citizens of the European Union, the USA and some other
countries, so if you have a passport of some Western country you
probably do not need any visa to join us.
Feel free to spread this call-out through your contacts.

We would like to see this gathering based on ‘real’ democratic
principles and call for you all to help us with this. If you think you
can organize a workshop or a seminar on a subject you find important
feel free to do so and let us now if you need any help. Because the
general approach is of course DIY (Do It Yourself) we would appreciate
it to bring as many necessary materials for your workshop yourself.

For the realization of this meeting (and the camp in general) we of
course call for the support and inspiration from all of you!

For more information or questions contact: fnb-gathering@riseup.net