
11.7.2006 St. Petersburg

- Dear Friends and Comrades!
- (g8)Repressionen vor dem G8
- Repressions in Russia around the G8 Summit
- Detentions/arrests: version 1
- Ahead of the G8 Protests in St. Petersberg, Activists Sent to Jail.
- 2 bike caravan members get 10 days of arrest
- Jekaterinburg: 6 persons arrested in train
- 7 eco-activists detained in StPetersburg

Dear Friends and Comrades!

We have to resort to you with an appeal for help and international solidarity!

Russia is on the verge of the G 8 summit which is to be hosted in Saint Petersburg.

At the same time our country is experiencing another series of political violence and reprisals.

Contrary to the official G-8 summit an alternative event has been planned to be held in Saint Petersburg by the Russian Social Forum.

The activists belonging to different political and grass root organizations and groups scattered all over Russia are coming to Saint Petersburg to participate in the alternative "summit". Among them are the activists of the all Russian Society of Hostels and Dormitories Dwellers Rights, activists of the anti "monetization laws" movement, trade union activists of the Siberian Confederation of Labor and from other regions, different human right groups activists and many other individuals.

These persons are being harassed and persecuted by the local police and security services agents on their way to Saint Petersburg.

Some people are being stopped and arrested at the air ports and rail way stations without any legal pretext. Some activists have been detained illegally. One person from Siberia has disappeared.

Up to this date at least 100 people have been detained under various pretexts having no legal force. People are forcefully deprived of their documents, transportation tickets, stalked by unknown individuals and then once again arrested by police on the pretext of protecting their personal safety (!). On different occasions people have brutally been mishandled by police and secret service agents.

Here in Saint Petersburg Vladimir Soloveichik, one of the leaders of the Civil Initiatives Movement of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region has been detained in his own apartment and now has been taken under police custody.

In Saint Petersburg some more arrests have been made: two girls were arrested last Monday on Sennaya square for handing out materials on the Russian Social Forum, two activists from Germany have been detained under a pretext of violating "their legal status of staying in a foreign country". Now they are being kept in police station N 36 of Saint Petersburg together with another Russian citizen.

A peaceful demonstration planned during the G-8 meeting in the period of July, 15-17, has been banned by the authorities.

It seems that the authorities are trying to provoke illegal actions and then blame them on committing "terrorists and illegal actions".

All this is going on at a time when the civil rights of many other individuals in other Russian regions are being violated and neglected.

We are unsure if those arrests and reprisals have been initiated by the authorities in Moscow or by the local authorities. But all this seems to be a very well coordinated and concerted action.

We are appealing to all people in the Western countries and asking them to voice their solidarity with the Russian political and social activists at this critical moment on the eve of the G- 8 summit. We suggest that you request the Russian embassies and consulates in the West European countries that they provide you for necessary information. We suggest that you picket their offices.

Please spread the word!

A traditional Russian police state Russia is making a comeback! What we see now is an authoritative state brutally repressing legal and civil rights of the Russian citizens.

Is Russia worth being a G- 8 member?

We also urge you to come to Saint Petersburg and witness everything with your own eyes.

In solidarity

[Trade Union Solidarity Action Committee of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region]

(g8)Repressionen vor dem G8

In den letzten Tagen vor dem Beginn des G8-Gipfels in St. Petersburg ist ein akutes ansteigen der Repressionen gegen AktivistInnen zu beobachten. Nich nur das Leute festgenommen werden, heute morgen wurde auch das Buero des Legal-Teams in Moskau von der Polizei durchsucht.
Hier ein aktueller Infostand von Montag Abend.
Die letzten Tage vor dem Gipfel sind durch ein starkes Ansteigen der Repressionen gekennzeichnet. Schon in den letzten Monateten gab es diverse Versuche AktivistInnen aus Russland einzuschuechtern. Fast alle, der Polizei bekannten Leute haben Besuch gekriegt, mit der Auforderung nichts zu unternehmen. Dieverse Wohnungen wurden untersucht, ob sich dort menschen aufhalten, die nicht offiziell registreiert sind.
In ganz St.Petersburg wurden an bstimmten Strassen(wo evt. Konvois von Gipfelteilnehmern langfahren)fast saemtliche Bewohnerinnen befragt und auch zum Teil diverse Wohnungen durchsucht, wieder auf der Suche nach nicht registrierten. Fuer die Zeit des Gipfels ist in St.Petersburg mit erheblichen Einschraenkungen der Bewegungsfreiheit der BewohnerInnen zu rechnen. Aufgrund dieser und anderer Umstaende sind viele BewohnerInnen schwerr genervt vom Gipfel.
Aber nicht nur in St.Petersburg hatten die Leute mir Repressionen zu kaempfen. Auch in Moskau gab es schon im Vorfeld des Gipfels einige Hausbesuche bei AktivistInnen.
In den Letzten Tagen erreichen die Repressionen, allerdings ihren bisherigen Hoehepunkt.
So wurden schon ende letzter Woche Leute die aus anderen Gegenden Russlands nach St.Petersburg reisten, von der Polizei aufgehalten und am weiterfahren gehindert. Einige wurden verhaftet, und es gibt auch mindestens einen Bericht von Pruegel auf der Wache.
Hier eine chronologische Auflistung, der letzten Ereignisse seit Fr.

Freitag 7.7.
2 Russen werden verhaftet als sie Flyer gegen den G8 verteilen. Sie bis jetzt immer noch auf der Poliziestation, und sollten heute ihre Anhoerung haben. Passiert in St.Petersburg

Samstag 8.7.
2 Anarchisten werden kontrolliert, nachdem sie auf einen Markt in St.Petersburg Gasmasken gekauft haben. Sie werden durchsucht und es werden Flyer gegen den G8 bei ihnen gefunden. Sie hatten heute ihre Anhoerung und wurden zu 10 Tagen Strafe verurteilt, wegen Gefaehrdung der oeffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung. Obwohl Gasmasken kaufen in Russland legal ist.

Sonntag 9.7.
Am Abend werden zwei AktivistInnen aus Deutschland verhaftet als sie auf dem Weg zu ihrer unterkunft waren. Zusammen mit ihnen wurde ein Genosse aus Sibierien verhaftet.
Die beiden standen vor der Tuer ihrer Unterkunft und hatten dort grade nagerufen, damit die Tuer geoeffnet wird. Der Aktivist aus Sibirien ging runter um aufzumachen und sah das die beiden kontrolliert wurden. Er war nur in Unterwaesche und ging zu ihnen und fragte was den los ist. Obwohl sie beide ihre Paesse dabei hatten wurden sie und der Mensch aus Sibirien mit auf die Wache genommen. Eigentlich darf man in Russland zur Personalienfeststellung nur fuer 3std. festgehalten werden. Die drei wurden aber bis Montag nachmittag festgehalten ohne einem Haftrichter vorgefuehrt zu werden. Am Montag Abend hatten sie dann ihre Verhandlung. Hier wurde ihnen vorgeworfen, in eine VOrgarten gepinkelt zu haben. Bei der Verhandlungen waren sowohl Leute vom Legalteam anwesend, als auch Leute vom Deutschen Konsulat in St.Petersburg. Bis jezt ist noch nicht bekannt, wie die Verhandlung ausgegangen ist. Die Hoffnung ist allerdings, das sie heute noch rauskommen.
Ausserdem am Sonntag fuhr ein Aktivist einmal um ganz St.Petersbrug und berichtete das fast saemtliche Zufahrten kontrolliert werden.

Montag 10.7.
Ein Mensch wurde beim verlassen des Zuges in St.Petersburg gestoppt. Er wurde durchsucht, dann aber gehen gelassen. Die Polizei drohte im aber noch, das die ganze Zeit nichts machen solle, weil sie ihn Beobachten wuerde. Und ihm sonst etwas passieren koennte.
Auch am Montag morgen wurde die Wohnung wo unteranderem das Legal Team in Moskau untergerbacht ist durchsucht.
In der Wohnung die als Buero genuzt wird, waren Sowohl die Human Rights Youth, die Green Alternative Organisation als auch fuer die Zeit des Gipfels das legal Team in Moskau untergebracht. Zum Zeitpunkt der Durchsuchung befand sich eine Person in der WOhnung welche mit auf die Wache genommen wurde. Ausserdem wurde sein Laptop mitgenommen.
Die Polizei befragte ihn speziell nach drei AktivistInnen, welche in den Tagen vorher auf dem Libertaeren Forum einn Rechtshilfe Workshop gemacht hatten.
Montag Vormittag wurden ausserdem zwei Russen festgenommen, wegen nichts. Es ist uebrhaupt nicht klar warum, ausser das sie nach Aktivisten aussahen. Sie wurden beide wegen sToerung der oeffentlichen ordnung zu 10 Tagen Haft verurteilt.

Wie zu sehen ist, versucht die Polizei gerade schon alles moegliche um St.Petersburg wahrend des Gipfels moeglichst AktivistInnen frei zu halten. Insgesamt scheint sie zu versuchen die Stadt moeglichst leer zu machen. So wurden schon seit Anfang Juni Reisebueros aufgefordert ihre Touristen waehrend des Gipfels aus der Stadt zu holen und an andere Orte zu bringen. Auch wurden schon diverse Zug und Schiffsverbindungen gecancelt, so dass viele Reisende einen Busersatzverkehr benutzen mussten. Das absurde ist hierbei, das auch Leute die mit dem Schiff nach Finnland und Litauen wollten, also die Stadt verlassen wurden, den Bus nehmen mussten.
Soweit erstmal. Wir werden euch weiter auf dem laufendem halten.
Ihr seht es wird jetzt schon aktive Solidaritaet gebraucht, also beteiligt euch auch am GobalActionDay am 14.7.

For information on the Summit in Russian language see:

The website of Dissent - Network of Resistance

Russian Indymedia:
International sub-section:

e-Mail: KEINSPAM.piter.legal@yahoo.com | Homepage: http://ru.indymedia.org/int/

[indymedia.de, von indy_ru - 10.07.2006 21:30]

Repressions in Russia around the G8 Summit

The police have been making preventative arrests under bullshit pretexts. Two members of the bike caravan were arrested on the night of July 9 and charged with hooliganism. Another Russian activist who left his home to try to help them was also arrested.
Four other activists were arrested in Petersburg today for absolutely no reason and are to be held 10 days in arrest.
Vasily Starostin and three others from the Siberian Confederation fo Labour was taken off the train by secret services and are under arrest. Two other people from the Communist Party (on the same train were also arrested).
Today the apartment of the legal time was also raided and documents and a laptop computer were taken. Amongst the documents the legal time were collecting were powers of attorney for activists going to Petersburg.


Detentions/arrests: version 1

7-10 July: 15 detentions:

* [date ?] According to Echo Peterburga radio station, two young men who were arrested with anti-globalisation leaflets are charged with hooliganism and are due to appear in the court on Monday 10 July.

o http://int.ruimc.mutualaid.org/newswire/display/19/index.php

* Friday 7 July: two female activists Red Youth Vanguard (AKM) arrested for distributing of anti-globalist leaflets - Monday 10 July they will appear in court.

o http://int.ruimc.mutualaid.org/newswire/display/19/index.php

* Saturday 8 July: Two arrested in Pieter (SPB?) - 2 anarchists with an attempt at the purchase it was anti-gas. in them found the anarxo- leaflets they obtained today (10 July) 10 days of arrest

o http://g8-2006.plentyfact.net/ImcRu15081

* Sunday 9 July: Two members of the bike caravan (Eike and Henning) were arrested on the night of July 9 and charged with hooliganism. Another (one) Russian activist who left his home to try to help them was also arrested.

o http://cia.bzzz.net/repressions_in_russia_around_the_g8_summit

o http://caravan2006.outra.net/index.php/Main_Page

o german embassy: Petersburg, Furshtadtskaya street 39 phone (812) 3202400 fax (812) 5793242

o police station #36 is (812) 553 3602, fax (812)293 57 02, address: Esenina street 2.

* Monday 10 July: Four other activists (Vasily S. and three others from the Siberian Confederation of Labour) were arrested in Petersburg today for absolutely no reason and are to be held 10 days in arrest.

o http://cia.bzzz.net/repressions_in_russia_around_the_g8_summit

* Monday 10 July: Police raided the legal team's apartment and stole documents and a laptop computer.

o http://cia.bzzz.net/repressions_in_russia_around_the_g8_summit

* Monday 10 July: Another two people "2-e" (from spb and it was growth) they were arrested today on leaving from the house they were accused of the fact that they were scolded by mat to the police are also planted on 10 days.

o http://cia.bzzz.net/repressions_in_russia_around_the_g8_summit

Detentions/arrests: version 2

* http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-ru-translators/2006-July/0710-6p.html

there where already 32 arrests in 12 cities, not counting intimidations:

* http://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/15078/index.php

o ImcRu15078

* http://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/15081/index.php

o ImcRu15081

* http://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/15080/index.php

o ImcRu15080

most ppl got 10 days arrest but some have more serious cases fabricated..

Retrieved from "https://g8-2006.plentyfact.net:443/DetentionUpdates"


Ahead of the G8 Protests in St. Petersberg, Activists Sent to Jail. Police Prevent Protesters from Reaching City
(For immediate release)

Press Release #3
G8 2006 Info and Press Group

On Friday of this week (14 July, 2006), the G8 heads of state will meet in St. Petersburg, Russia. As usual, their meetings will be met by protest and resistance.

In Russia and further afield, protest preparations have been underway for months. International participants are expected to take part in the protests in St. Petersburg, as well as in a Global Day of Action against the G8 and in solidarity with the protests on Thursday 13 July.

Over the past few days, pressure and threats of serious repression against those who have been taking part in the protest preparations have been being made.

On Sunday evening, two Germans who had taken part in a "cycle caravan" to St. Petersburg were arrested. The outcome of the first courtcase is that at least one of those arrested will spend a further ten days in custody. The second courtcase is currently underway.

The two activsts were arrested on their way back from shopping when they were stopped by the police. Despite all of them having ID, they were taken to the local police station after being suspected of wanting to take part in protests against the summit. The Legal Team, providing protesters and others with legal advice, called the police stations who informed them that they were suspected of "Provocative Actions in the Territory of the Russian Federation". Both the Legal Team and representatives of the German Embassy took part in first the courtcase.

Adam Jones, of the "G8 2006 Info and Press Group", set up to provide information about protests in St. Petersburg commented, "It is completely unacceptable that people can be detained for days, without any reason, and be prevented from taking part in the protests. Those arrested should be released immediately."

Further reports state that the police have been attempting to prevent activsts reaching St. Petersberg. Last week, participants in the Russian Social Forum, which began last Thursday, were stopped on their way to St. Petersberg. Over 30 arrests, in both Moscow and St. Petersberg, have been recorded by the Russian Legal Team.

Kimme Kliff of the same group explained, "It's important to show that there will be resistance against the G8 and the world they represent wherever they go, and also that international solidarity will be shown with those subject to repression at international summits. That's why we will also be demonstrating against Bush and Merkel's meeting here in Germany on Thursday, and taking part in the Global Day of Action on Friday."

For More information contact:
"G8 2006 Info and Press Group"
Tel: Adam Jones, ? (0)162 350 8948 (English language)
Tel.: Kimmie Kliff, ? (0)174 3759291 (German language)
Email: presse@gipfelsoli.org

Notes to the Editor
1) The call for a Global Day of Action, issued by the Russian "Network Against G8" is available online here: http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/g82006/index.html (English, German and other languages)

2) Information about protests against Bush's meeting with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel is online here: http://www.bush-in-stralsund.de/ and here: http://www.g8-2007.de/200606/bush.php (in German only)

3) The German Embassy in St. Petersberg can be contacted at: Furshtadtskaya street 39, St. Petersberg, Russia. Tel. (812) 3202400. Fax (812) 5793242.

4) To contact the police station where protesters are being held, call: Polizeistation #36, Esenina Street 2, St. Petersberg, Russia: Tel: (812) 553 3602. Fax (812)293 57 02.

5) For up-to-date information from St. Petersberg, call: 916-992 25 50 (Russian and English language) or email: spb8media@riseup.net

2 bike caravan members get 10 days of arrest

activists from Germany and Switzerland arrested in Petersburg
2 german activists of bike caravan were convicted by the court to 10 days of arrest each. At the moment the third persion (A. from Switzerland) is in the same court and is likely to get the same sentence.


Jekaterinburg: 6 persons arrested in train

Tonight 6 persons were arrested in the train in Jekatarinburg. They were on the way from Omsk to St.Petersburg.
Four of them are members of the SKT (Sibirian Confederation of work), one of them was [name edited for privacy reasons].
The other two belonged to different organisations.
During the last talk with them, they mentioned the suspicion that during the following search articles could be smuggled into their luggage.

The expulsion from the train was conducted by two railways policemen and plainclothes civil persons. It was said, that there could be illegal or dangerous objects in the luggage of the concerned. Under the thread of violence and screaming of the activists they have been taken to the railway police.

A few hours later it emerged, that the arrested are still at the same location in the train station. The policemen do not dispute the circumstances of the arrest, but refuse to give any more information.

The telephone number of the police department is: 8(343)358-2018


7 eco-activists detained in StPetersburg

In StPetersburg during today's attempt to make antinuclear action near "Cooper rider" monument where detained 7 ecological activists from "Groza" (Storm) and "Ekozaschita" (Ecodefence).
