
France: Repression against autonomists is opened

Repression against autonomists is opened by the political police force of Nicolas Sarkozy in France.

Between the 2 turns of the presidential elections, political places and squats were searched, while the autonomists (people without label, not attached to politic organizations were put under fires of the projectors with an aim to stigmatize them and diabolise the dispute anti-Sarkozy.

Currently 2 people undergo in their turn this repression.

Fouquet's place where Nicolas Sarkozy celebrated his election with his/her buddies of the CAC 40 (large capital) and of the showbiz, one of our comrade taken of rage, tried to burn a car a few days later.

Concerning this attempt, the personnel of Fouquet's controlled by the money and the capacity with fact the dirty job of the cops and from there Damien was embarked.

The following day a muscular searching with all the repressive arsenal available to the police institution (dog, cops) was carried out at the place of the comrade Michel Paco who lodges Damien when this one is in Paris.

Since May 6 more than 800 arrests and immediate appearances carrying out to prison closes took place on all the French territory.

Moreover police custodies, the sorrows floors and the imprisonments became systematic procedures of middle-class justice while many qualifiers are re-sifted by the capacity in order to better criminalise the perfectly justified movements of revolt.

All passes there: rabble, hooligans, breakers, anarchists, “extreme-gauchistes”, autonomists, etc…

We denounce arbitrary imprisonments, we condemn the defamatory conditions of the arrests and the police ferocity whose our 2 buddies, Damien and Michel (Paco) were the object.

We raise ourselves on the one hand against the reign of calumny and other hand against police terrorism. Indeed, our two buddies escape from the formatting from the single thought and they are certainly not threatening elements as the cops would like to present them.

Damien and Michel (Paco) have disturbing only their conviction which pushes them to fight against all the forms of injustice and their various implications in particular against the repression of the movement of without-voice, anti-G8, CPE, SDF(without fixed residence)and on the channel St Martin proved on several occasions.

They represent only themselves, are not pledged with any party, any political organization. One of them, Damien, is somebody sensitive, that prison would be likely to push with the suicide, while Michel suffers from important problem of health.

It is not them whom one puts in prison, but their autonomy, their revolt, their desire of freedom.

We revolt against permanent high-handed, against all the forms of repressions, the offence of opinion, the “flicage” of the thought, the criminalisation of the difference in this society of control, against discredit thrown upon the suffering and the dissatisfaction of million of people.

To support Damien and Michel (Paco):

Michel Gaucher
n° 931051
Maison d’arrêt de Fresnes
1 allée des Thuyas
94261 Fresnes cedex France

Damien Signoret
n° 357753
Maison d’arrêt de Fleury Mérogis
7 avenue des Peupliers
91700 Fleury Mérogis France

Contact in France: antirepression [at] no-log.org