
Euronews: New wall goes up in Germany

A barrier being constructed around next month’s G8 summit has outraged left wing groups in Germany.

Police say the fence will ensure no demonstrators can get within 5 kilometres of the Baltic resort of Heiligendamm in the days before and during the summit, so jeopardising security.

However opponents, such as the Left Party, say it is a step too far and they intend to mount a legal challenge to defend their right to be seen and heard.

“I can only believe that the tribunal will declare we have the right to demonstrate at the G8, because we have never had a ban as far-ranging as this before”, said one young leftwinger who planned to demonstrate.

More than 100 000 anti-globalisation protestors are expected to converge on the seaside setting for the summit from June 6th to the 8th. Police have received requests for a total of 60 public protests.

The retaining barrier cost 13 million euros and will be 12 kilometres long.

Last week German police carried out 40 raids against left-wing activists believed to be planning to disrupt the summit.
