
Personalities Support "Block G8" Call for Mass Blockades

Musicians, MPs, Academics, Media and Civil Society Personalities Support “Block G8” Call for Mass Blockades of G8 Summit

Prominent musicians (like the British pop band Chumbawamba, Tocotronic lead-singer Dirk von Lowtzow, and electro-pop artist Bernadette La Hengst), MPs (like Ulla Jelpke, Nele Hirsch and Heike Hänsel of DIE LINKE), academics (like Prof. Joachim Hirsch (Frankfurt), Prof. Wolf Dieter Naar (Berlin) and Prof. John Holloway (Mexico)), media personalities (like journalist Naomi Klein (author, ‘No Logo’)), playwrights and poets (like Howard Zinn and Dennis Brutus), and civil society personalities (like Walden Bello (Director, Focus on the Global South), Vandana Shiva (Founder, Navdana) and Sven Giegold (attac Coordination Committee) have all pledged their public support for the Block G8 campaign for mass blockades of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm next month.

An ever-growing list of prominent personalities have leant their names in support of the Block G8 campaign for mass blockades of the G8 Summit – a coalition involving around 120 different groups, organisations and projects. Hundreds of other individuals have also pledged to take part in the Block G8 blockades, or declared their solidarity with those who will do so. Further signatories are sought. Sign up via the Block G8 website (www.block-g8.org)!

The following is a list of initial signatories supporting the Block G8 campaign:

Block G8

To add your name to this list, email: info@block-g8.org

Block G8
Block G8