
Get your seat belts on! Federal criminal police search 40 residences


On May 9, 2007, the federal criminal police (BKA) stepped up their operations and have already searched 40 residences. 900 police forces were deployed to intimidate individuals and leftist projects. The have opened up an investigation under the German counter-terrorism laws, paragraph 129a “formation of a terrorist organisation for the purposes of impeding gthe G8 summit.” The background of these allegations consisted of actions carried out by militant groups resulting in property damage against federal and private property. The paragraph 129a is being used as an excuse to obtain information. Only 2 percent of all 129a investigations lead to actual sentencing. Even the ferderal prosecutors bring the point home:

“The current investigations are intended to provide information about structures and make-up of these groups rather than preventing actual attacks. There is no existing evidence indicating (terrorist) attacks.

A typical “search-and-destroy” mission on the part of the BKA.

[Gipfelsoli Infogruppe]
